Data sources

Spacenus takes advantage of available open source data. We integrate the services of different providers and process them further. Accordingly, our AI is based on high quality training data.


European Space Agency (ESA)

“ESA provides Earth observation data from ESA EO Missions, Third Party Missions (TPMs), ESA Campaigns, the Copernicus Space Component (CSC), as well as sample and additional data from a number of missions and instruments...“

GMES/Copernicus land monitoring services

Copernicus Programme

“Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth. Data gets summoned by different sources, including Earth observation satellites and in-situ sensors...”

European Environment Agency (EEA)

“The EEA is an EU agency tasked with providing sound, independent information on the environment. It operates as major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public...”

“OpenStreetMap is generated by a large number of mappers that collect and maintain data on paths, buildings and all kinds of other things worldwide...”


OpenStreetMap contributors

NASA /USGS Landsat Program

“This joint NASA/USGS program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth’s land in existence. Landsat satellites provide essential information… ”